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Heat recovery: significant cost savings and reduced carbon footprint with CompAir innovations

Do you want to save money and reduce your environmental impact? Heat recovery is your key to achieving these goals. Open up a new world of possibilities, where residual heat turns into your benefit. After all, energy efficiency is critical today, both for present and future generations.

The main challenge is to turn residual heat into your benefit: Heat recovery can help you save enormous amounts of energy, reduce CO2 emissions and optimize management costs.

Why is it important to use heat recovery?

The laws of thermodynamics indicate that about 94% of the energy used to run a compressor is converted into heat. Without heat recovery, this heat is lost to the atmosphere.

The heat generated during compression is first paid for as part of the process, and then it creates additional costs because it must be cooled by fans or water used for cooling. At the same time, most companies spend a significant amount of money to heat process water, heat the space, or preheat water to produce steam.

Considering that compressed air systems consume about 10% of all industrial electricity, and energy is the largest expense in the life cycle of a compressor, utilizing heat recovery becomes a smart move to conserve energy and reduce costs.

Show your commitment to sustainability and implement innovative solutions with us!


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