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Welcome the brand new Modular Nitrogen Generators

Nitrogen is a dry, inert gas which is used in many commercial and industrial applications to improve quality or where oxygen may be harmful to the product or processes.

The unique multi-bank design in the GDN2009P to GDN2168P models enables additional generators to be added in the future as demand increases and provides redundancy for ease of maintenance. Your GDNP Series nitrogen generator can grow with your company.

When you purchase a GDNP Series nitrogen gas generator you can expect:

  • New sleek design

  • Larger HMI screen with multilingual electronic control system

  • Upgraded zirconia oxygen analyser

  • Upgraded internal stainless steel pipework with increased diameter and reduced complexity

  • Reversible inlet and outlet blocks

  • Durable laser cut symbols providing multilingual clarity

  • Increased standard pressure rating to 12 barg

  • Nitrogen quality certified to food grade E941 standard

  • Payback typically between 6 to 24 months

  • Easy installation with minimum cost and disruption

  • Easier service capability

  • User has complete control fulfilling nitrogen gas demand

  • Generate as little or as much nitrogen gas as needed at a fraction of delivered gas cost

Features are your benefits!

  1. Guaranteed performance

  2. Rapid return on investment

  3. Fits any application

  4. Easy to install

How it works?

The technologically advanced Gardner Denver nitrogen generator operates on the Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) principle to produce a continuous uninterrupted stream of nitrogen gas from clean dry compressed air. Dual chamber extruded aluminium columns are filled with Carbon Molecular Sieve (CMS). Joined via an upper and lower manifold, the high density filled columns produce a dual bed system. After a pre-set time the control system automatically switches the beds. One bed is always online generating nitrogen while the other is being regenerated. During regeneration, the oxygen that has been collected in the CMS stage and the moisture that has been collected in the optional integrated dryer stage are exhausted to atmosphere. A small portion of the outlet nitrogen gas is expanded into the bed to accelerate the regeneration process.

Order your modular nitrogen generator today on site or telephone number 0 800 33 33 30!


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